Statement from The White Helmets Regarding Israeli Attacks on Syrian Territory
Statement from The White Helmets Regarding Israeli Attacks on Syrian Territory
The White Helmets express grave concern over the recent Israeli attacks on Syrian territory, which come at a critical historical moment when Syrians have been yearning for peace, security, and stability for nearly 14 years. These attacks have targeted locations within the demilitarized zone and other areas in Quneitra and the Damascus countryside, undermining the aspirations of Syrians to build a free, sovereign, and stable state.
Israel’s airstrikes, which target infrastructure, instill fear among civilians, and involve the occupation of Syrian land by its forces, constitute a blatant violation of international laws and UN Security Council resolutions. These actions infringe upon Syria’s sovereignty and the right of its people to live in security and peace.
The White Helmets condemns these attacks and violations and demands the immediate cessation of all hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied Syrian territories. Such actions not only violate international norms but also exacerbate tensions in the region, hindering efforts to restore stability in Syria.
We caution against the international community’s failure to take a firm stance against these unwarranted attacks, which escalate tensions in the region and obstruct efforts to restore stability in Syria. We urge the United Nations Security Council and the international community to take concrete actions to ensure the immediate cessation of these hostilities, which jeopardize regional peace and exacerbate existing crises.
Furthermore, we call on allies and supporters of the Syrian people to stand in solidarity with Syrians against this escalation. We urge them to work towards establishing effective mechanisms to protect the Syrian population and support their efforts to restore stability and rebuild their nation.